Category: Uncategorized
Saturday Habit #6: Clean the kitchen sink before bed
It’s surprising that I’ve gotten more than a month into Saturday Habits without a cleaning habit! The kitchen sink is a powerful representation of a household. A sink full of dirty dishes tends to reflect the rest of the house. Placing dirty dishes in the sink “to soak overnight” often represents a lack of discipline;…
Month #1 in review
It’s been a month since I started Saturday Habits, so it’s time to assess how things have been going so far with my first five habits!
Saturday Habit #5: Meditate every day
As I mentioned in my last post, my wife and I are part of a fitness challenge her employer is running for four weeks. Components include walking, expressing gratitude, and meditating. Based on positive experiences I’ve had with meditating in the past, I decided to make that my next Saturday Habit. There has been so…
Saturday Habit #4: Walk at least 7,000 steps
If there’s been a consistently positive force throughout my life, it’s been walking. Ever since ancient Chinese and Roman times, experts have extolled the value of walking in improving everything from cognition to digestion. My personal experience reflects that as well. My wife and I are fortunate in many ways. Two of them are that…
Saturday Habit #3: Get up without snoozing
For the last two weeks, I’ve focused on morning habits that help me start the day effectively. So this week, I’m starting with the first action of the day: getting out of bed. Much of what you read about productivity and motivation revolves around getting up early, attacking the day. Over many years, I’ve trained…
Saturday Habit #2: Make the bed every day
Make Your Bed: Little Things That Can Change Your Life…and Maybe the World, by Admiral William H. McRaven, was quite popular when it was published in 2017. McRaven extols the virtues of daily discipline as the foundation of a better life. He says, “If you make your bed every morning, you will have accomplished the…
Saturday Habit #1: Shower every day
I’m taking a shower every day. To those who know me, this isn’t surprising. I’m fortunate that it’s not a big deal for me to take care of the activities of daily living. For my entire adult life, I’ve showered just about every day. But the difference is that I’m now going to shower EVERY…